Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Working toward a cure for breast cancer

I had a great day today. I raked and blew leaves today as a fundraiser for Kathi and Meghan's walk. I did well and am very pleased as well as very sore. It was a nice day with the temperature around 40 degrees and light winds. We did have few snow flurries which is a reminder of what time of year it is here in Maine. Maybe someday, breast cancer will be as easy to get rid of as the leaves. Till then we will keep working for a cure. For more information and to donate please visit Kathi's or Meghan's site. Take care Tim

Kathi's site


Here is Meghan's site


Becca said...

That's great that you helped. It seems like we are so advanced in most aspects of life, yet we can't find cures for cancer, AIDS, etc.

Tim said...

It is sad but true. Tim

Sarah Laurence said...

Tim, how nice to blog for a cause. The pumpkin was great! Good luck.

Tim said...

I will let Meghan know you liked the pumpkin. Take care Tim